Friday 28 October 2016

3) [Training] Training with Resistance Bands – Part 1

Let me introduce these useful items that may help in your training. I found them really helpful and i was able to create a large variety of workouts and combination of movements that kept me fit, stronger and with a better endurance.

-What are those resistance bands?
The resistance bands are nothing else than an elastic of different lenghts and resistances.
They work as the following: the more you stretch them, the stronger the resistance they create and the more strenght you need to face it.

That's why they are so useful. The first important thing to note is the space needed. You can carry them everywhere (just a few grams can give you a resistance of different kilograms) and you can use them in a very short area. So that every place can become a great gym: think about a beautiful beach, at the green park under the trees.. or even at home.

The second thing is that, even if a single band gives a great resistance, you can combine two or more of them in order to have an huge resistance.. and that can be a lot stronger than the common gym barbells and their weights. Also, you can tie two or more bands to improve the lenght.

The third thing is about injuries. Yes, a stretched elastic can produce a very high resistance, but in case of failure of the movement (for example, you do a movement when suddenly the weight crashes on you) what really crashes is just a simple band of a few grams. Whatever the train you do, you won't be able to destroy the pavement and you won't need a power rack or something similar.

However, if you want to train with those bands you have to consider that they don't work like a dumbbell or a barbell, even if the weight given is the same. Let's clear this:
-Dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell or even the single weight-disk have a standard weight. I mean, their weight (and resistance provided) don't change in the movement. You'll always lift the same weight.

-Resistance band is different. Its resistance changes as more you stretch it. So, at the top of the movement you'll reach the maximal resistance, while in the beginning the resistance will be low.
So, you cannot compare a barbell workout with a resistance band one.

That's how they work (the examples used are for a certain type of band).

Type and resistance of bands:
Like i said there is an huge variety of resistance bands. Here i try to list them, with the resistance provided. Please note that the resistance can vary. However it refers to the max resistance you can generate at the edge of the maximal movement.

-“Pilates workout band”

-Resistance: from 2 to 6 kg.
-It is often used in the pilates' gym, it's the basical band with the smallest resistance. However it is easy to attach to something in order to stretch it.

-“Strap training”

-Resistance: your body.
-This isn't a real elastic band, but it works in the same way. It doesn't real stretch, but it gives you a good resistance (that is your body weight).
It is also easier to attach it somewhere.  

-“Fit band”

-Resistance: from 7 to 15 kg.
-A very good band. It provides a good ammount of resistance or you can add other bands to double the weight.
When stretched, both heads of the band give the half of the listed weight (so, the 15 kg band will give up to 7 kg per each head).
Yet you need some immagination in order to best use it.  

-“TRX suspension extender”

-Resistance: your body.
-This is similar to the “strap training” band, but with a better equipment. For instance, you can buy other gears to better fix this band. Also, you can use this to do some training.. in the air. Indeed, it is said that this band can ift up to 450 kg, while the resistance provided is the same as your body weight.
However, this is a “professional” one, so its cost may be too high if you don't want to train with it everytime.

-“Loop band”

-Resistance: from 15 to 50 kg.
-This is the best band i found at a cheap price.
It doesn't have a head nor a tail, indeed its name is “loop”.
In this way, it makes possibile other workouts, while have some problems on doing others.

However, its resistance is very high, so you can do a lot of “heavy” workouts too!

-“Super sprinting band”

-Resistance: from 40 to 125 kg.
-The strongest “loop band”. This is a professional model that has an huge resistance and it's used by the elite sprinters or rugbist over the world.


-Lenght: up to 18 metres.
-The professional system of resistance bands. You can set up the bands and the resistance and it allows you up to 18 metres of sprinting with a great force that pushes you back.
It is used by sprintes or people in search of the maximal power or resistance.

Since it is a professional thing, it is very expensive.  

 You may find other different bands, with different resistances and prices, but the things you can do are quite unlimited.
It's up to you think about the proper workout to do with your bands. They can help you reach the max strenght, the biggest power, or you just want a progressive resistance or combine different gym items (such dumbbells and bands) to create the craziest workout ever in the place you like the most.

All you have to do is remember that you are not lifting an heavy barbell, but a band of few grams. You won't destroy anything if it crashes down, but the resistance you have to win is real. It sounds like “magic”, but its the essence of the elastic bands.

In the end, those bands can make you workout hard while entertain you with something different and funny at the same time. Yet, a combination of classic gym weights and resistance bands can be a different but useful training method. And your creativity will improve as well!

(In the next article i'll show you some useful excercises you can do with them..)

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