Saturday 29 October 2016

4) [Training] Training with Resistance Bands - Part 2

In the first article I wrote the differences between each type of resistance band. 

I have also said that these bands help you working in a different way, and they can be used everywhere due to their little weight and space needed. Indeed, with a few bands, that you can put on your pocket, you can do extremely hard workouts or create a really heavy endurance.

So, in this second article I wrote about the workouts you can do. But first I have to remember you two things:
-You can sum the general resistance by using more bands at the same time. You can even add an elastic band to your dumbbell/barbell to create a mixed workout (and a higher resistance).

-Each band works differently from a common dumbbell or barbell, where the resistance is given by the gravity force. In fact, here the resistance is given by: the general tension of the band and the stretch of it. In other words, the more the band is stretched, the higher the resistance, until a certain limit. This means that the band keeps adding resistance until its limit.

This second particular property leads to a different use of your muscles. Now I explain the differences.

-Fixed weights
You know, If you have to lift a fixed weight (dumbbell, barbell, body-weight) you’ll push it with an explosive strength in the very first moments, then your force will gradually decrease.

These two graphics explain it. In a bench press, squat, shoulder press, etc, the velocity improves (graphic on top), but the force decreases (graphic on bottom).

-Progressive weights
Elastic bands have a progressive add of resistance. Unlike of the fixed weights, in this case your muscles will always provide a stronger force.
This either can be a good thing, but even a bad thing. I explain with an example:
-in a bicep curl with dumbbell, after a certain point of the movement, your muscles will decrease their force because the weight is in a position that don’t require other additions of strength.
-in a bicep curl with an elastic band, your muscles will always increase their force and this can lead to a too-expensive waste of muscle strength, even if in the very first moments their force will be less than a dumbbell exercise.

-What kind of workout can be done?
Like I said, you can use the band everywhere and it is extremely adaptable. So you will be able to do the most exercises you do with a dumbbell or body-weight. Plus, you will be able to do new workouts.
I list down a few exercises you can do and why I suggest/not suggest to do them. Let’s start from top to bottom (of the body).

Upper Body

-Band Bench Press:
This is the first workout I think when I think about the “upper body”. Feet on floor, lay on a bench, grasp a dumbbell/barbell and lift them up/down. It is very easy do to with a fixed weight, but with a resistance band it requires a good place to fix the elastic.
In fact, if you push an extremity with your shoulders, the band won’t be stretched enough to give you the right resistance. For example, it may be too long (so to exceed the length of your arms) or too short (so it will be a lot more difficult to have the proper range of movement).
So the best choice is to put an extremity of the band below the bench to create a straight line with your shoulders. 
See the photo:  

-Band Row:
This is a good workout for an elastic band’s user. You just have to fix an extremity somewhere, at shoulder height (under a weight or with a knot on a bar). Go a few steps back (the farther you are, the higher the resistance) and pull it back.
You can set the height of the fixed extremity in order to work on different inclinations.

Cross body exercises:

Since the band can be fixed at any height and can be used at every angulation, you can work on the common gym exercises in a different way. Let’s talk about the “cross body” workouts. You have a sword on your hand: in order to swing it, you have to move the whole arm from the outside to the inside of your body. This is a “cross” exercise. You know, they are primarily done with a cable in the gym, but we can do them with our bands!

-Band Cross Triceps Extension:
Fix an extremity of the band above your arm’s height (the higher, the smaller the angulation) and cross it from the outside to the inside.
You can use both your hands.

-Band Cross Bicep Curl:
This is the opposite movement of the “band cross tricep extension”. Fix an extremity of the band below (the lower, the smaller the angulation) your arm’s height and cross it. You can use both your hands.
Please note that:
-If you turn your body to face the fixed extremity, if it’s fixed below your arm’s level, then you will do a “regular bicep curl”. Else you can curl your biceps from different angolations.

-Band Overhead Triceps Extension:
This is another type of “triceps extension”. Fix an extremity of the band above your head, turn until you give your back to that extremity and then push your arms down.


Abs & Core

-Band Crunch:
Crunches are a common workout. Lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, then raise your shoulders, head and neck. That’s the standard, body weight, curl.
With an elastic band you can do it in a different way. I give you two examples:

1) Fix an extremity of the band above yourself, knee on floor, and push it down with your abdominals (I mean that the impulse of the movement should be provided by your abs).  

2) Lie on floor, fix an extremity of the band at your same height, and do a standard crunch while pulling the band.

-Band Glute Bridge:
Glute bridges let you work the opposite muscles of crunches. Pass your elastic band on your lower abs and hips, while grabbing it with your hands. Lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, then raise your midsection until it forms a straight line with your thighs. 

-Band Side Plank Lift and Leg Raise:
Lie on side on floor, with forearm on floor under shoulder perpendicular to body. Bend at the waist and lower your hip and leg towards the ground and then back up again while you swing your leg up.
You can put your elastic band on your feet or on your lower abs and hips.


-Band Leg Press:
Lie on floor, grab an extremity with your hands (or you can fix it a few steps back from your head) and push the other side with your leg. 

Leg Swings

I found that working on classic leg workouts (such as squats or deadlifts) with the bands is a bit complicated. You may want a great force for your legs and it is difficult when you have to move your leg and keep the band firm at the same time.
So, that’s why I think that “leg swings” are the best workout when you use an elastic band. W
ith a combination of these four exercises below (but the last two workouts are a variant of the second one), you will work your legs on every angulation (and it may be extremely useful if you play some sport such as basket, soccer, or even running).

-Band Lateral Leg Swing:
Fix an extremity of the band and the other on your ankle. Then swing your leg from the outside to the inside and vice-versa.  

-Band Front/Rear Leg Swing:
Fix an extremity of the band and the other on your ankle. Then swing your leg on your front and back. You can fix the elastic band on both your feet.

Band Front/Rear Leg Swing variants

-Band High Knees:
Fix an extremity of the band and the other on your ankle, or fix it on both your feet. This time you raise your leg from bottom to top (in order to from a straight line from hips to quadriceps).

-Band Butt Kickers:
Fix an extremity of the band and the other on your ankle, or fix it on both your feet. Then raise your leg back in order to kick your butt with the ankle.

Other workouts

Make Light Items Extremely Heavy!

A short note on another characteristic of resistance bands. I explain it with an example. Put your band below your feet and take the other with your hands. Grab a game-ball (like a volley ball or football one): the weight of that ball should be very low (just a few grams). 
Now, throw that ball back raising your arms from bottom to up. Now the weight of the ball will be HUGE (because you are lifting the band too)! But if it crashes down it will only have a few grams!

Professional Resistance Band Workouts

Since we are talking about resistance bands, we have to quote the training methods you can do with some professional bands.
For example, certain bands can stretch from one to fifteen meters and can be used to do explosive, massive workouts such as sprints, jumps or agility.
Other bands grants impressive forces and can be used for long lasting strength training, for example the exercise you keep pushing ahead trying to win the resistance of the band.


With a “low-cost” band you can do quite the same workouts, but that band will have a limited stretching capacity and resistance.


We have seen the different bands and the different workouts you can do. There is not a better workout from one to another or from barbell to elastic band, but you have to know what kind of training you want to do and now we have seen the limits and the key points of the resistance bands!

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