Friday 28 October 2016

2) [Home] Me as Runner and Trainer

In this post i want to talk about my abilities, my studies and my point of view as an online personal trainer.

Do to so i introduce myself first. 
My name is Andrew, i live in Italy and i consider myself a runner. To me, runners are people interested in their sport, but with an open mind for every little aspect of it. 
You know, to be a runner doesn't mean to just run. You may consider stretching, strenght and technical training, but even to have a look on the surface where you run means to have a closer look to your activity. 

Risultati immagini per runners

I started running on may 2011. I did it while starting to discover precious informations on the net about this sport and my personal trainers were able to fill part of my lack of experience. This helped my will to discover new things or new training methods. 
In these years i have changed coaches and athletic clubs in order to improve my view of training.

Indeed, one of my hardest question was:"What does training means?". The most of people will answer:"To improve yourself". That's right, but how can you improve if you don't know how to suit a workout? 
It's not to challenge your limits or your chronometric times. It is more than this. 

That's the part where being part of an online forum helped me. I was the one that replied "I train myself to improve", but i wasn't able to answer how. 

Risultati immagini per cronometro mano

Then i virtually met the person that is my personal trainer now. He was able to show me the way of training. He made me a better runner, but he also gave me a path to follow for my knowledge. 

There is only one way to learn: study and practice. And the best way to do so is to read as many books as possible while challenge your coaching skills giving as many advises as possible. Also, to see other coaches methods is a great way of learning.  
The path is still so long, but after this years i have built a little experience: a part from my studies and books, a part from my coaches forums and athletic clubs, and a part from the people i followed and helped in training. 

Risultati immagini per books
I write down the books about training that i have read. As soon as i read a new one, i'll add it on the list. Also, i add the best online websites that helped me on gathering informations. 
I give 1,2,3,4 or 5 stars based on the difficulty (in terms of interest) of the informations there. 

-Correre (Magazine)
-Nati per correre: La mia avventura in Kenya (A. Finn)
-Andiamo a correre (F. Massini)
-10, 21, 42 km: Come preparare le gare su strada (L. Pappa/G. De luca)
-L'allenamento della velocità: Il sistema di Charlie Francis (G. De Luca)
-Guide to Road Racing: 5K to Marathons (A. Salazar)
-High Performance Middle-Distance Running (D. Sunderland)
-DCSS: Power Mechanics For Power Lifters (P. Evangelista)

Online Websites:

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