Saturday 5 November 2016

6) [Training] Circuit training - First things to know

What is circuit training? 

Circuit training is a set of exercises to do where the main focus is the lenght of the whole workout.
Let's explain this.

You know, gym exercises are often seen with a good load (in terms of kg to lift) a few repetitions and rest between each set. Then repeat the same exercise.
Circuit training is different. First, the number of exercises is big in order to work the most muscles of the body. Second, the rest time after each set is quite nothing. Sometimes there is no rest and you jump to the next exercise.
In fact, circuit training is a method where you do every exercise in SUCCESSION, often with short or null rest.

What is the goal of circuit training? 

Circuit training is a good way to improve "endurance", in the specific the "muscle endurance". Indeed, muscles are not able to recover due to the very short/null rest and are forced to continue the workout in a state of "fatigue".

Another important thing is that, due to this characteristic, circuit training is a very good cardio workout. Your heart rate will always be high, because your heart is forced to pump in order to let your fatigued muscles do the workout.
This is possible because the main objective of this method is the duration of it. You can easily get a large ammount of minutes of continuous training.

So, is circuit training the best method of training?

In order to answer this question you have to know your objectives.

The key is the rest. If you do little rest your muscles will get fatigued soon, if you do large rest you'll be able to lift heavier or with a better form.

This is a table where you can find every pro and cons of every gym session methods.
It is sort by rest times (low/null, medium, complete).

Is circuit training useful for runners?

Yes, it is useful because it can be as useful as an easy jog (due to it's lenght) and will make your muscles stronger and able to resist to stronger workouts.
Also, this method may be work together with other gym methods for build a better strenght too.

So, this method can be used in case you miss a run (but an easy one) or in case you want to work your muscles in a cardio circuit.
However, don't forget that if you are new to this, you may be lead to exhaustion and don't finish the workout. Those circuits should be done with a little "buffer", so you have to finish the workout at 75% / 80% of your maximal fatigue.
Higher percentages may lead to exhaustion or to stimulate the anaerobic system (and big lactate production). You may be interested in this work too, but those circuit training are best for medium/easy efforts.

I'll talk about the different combinations of systems (aerobic, cardio, anaerobic, and so on) you can do in another post. Don't miss it!


My "Scheduled Running Program"
You can find more useful hints and things on my Fitocracy's Team Fitness, where i give you a scheduled program based on yourself and your level, online. You'll meet other people too in order to double the fun.
For more informations, please visit: Scheduled Running Program

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